James Bond Is Back, You Guys

James Bond Is Back, You Guys


Welcome to the Box Office Report where we will fight anyone who says Timothy Dalton is the best James Bond. Heretics aren't welcome here. 

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1. Skyfall (Sony): $87.1 million in 3,505 theaters

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Oh gosh the day has finally come. Four years after Quantum of Solace nearly killed the franchise, James Bond is officially back. Skyfall is being praised by critics who know what they're talking about and raking in millions of dollars because it's actually supposed to be good, you guys. It's like there was an balance has been restored to the force, if we may allude to completely different franchise. The world just feels right when James Bond is around and relevant. 

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2. Wreck-It Ralph (Buena Vista): $33 million in 3,752 theaters [Week 2]

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If it's open season on movies about video games from the 1980s let's hope we finally get that EarthBound movie everyone asked for. Or, alternatively, the story of how Ness transformed from a defender of the universe to become the ruthless killer we all know from Smash Bros. 

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3. Flight (Paramount): $15.1 million in 2,047 theaters [Week 2]

Suggested alternative viewing that will make you appreciate how good Flight is: Con Air, Turbulence, Snakes on a Plane, Air Force One, and A Christmas Carol. The first four will remind you how bad movies that involve flying can be, and the last one will remind you what Zemeckis has been doing for the last decade. Count your blessings and see this already. 

4. Argo (Warner): $6.7 million in 2,763 theaters [Week 5]

If this was about a group of chickens trying to escape from Iran would the running joke be changed to, "Argo cluck yourself," in the movie? We'd like to think so. 

5. Taken 2 (Fox): $4 million in 2,487 theaters [Week 6]

So, Homeland: it's supposed to be pretty good? Liam Neeson seems like he'd be a Homeland fan.