Jacksonville Council members workshop proposed Hate Crime Bill

Members of Jacksonville’s city council held a workshop meeting on a proposed local hate crime bill Wednesday.


The meeting aimed to give council members an opportunity to learn more about the legislation, which would raise fines and jail times for certain ordinance violations when it’s determined they were committed with the intent of sending a hateful message to a protected group.

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The meeting was especially geared towards council members who haven’t already taken a position on the bill.

So far, Action News Jax has been able to confirm at least five members plan to vote no.

The six co-sponsors are presumably yeses, so that leaves just 8 votes up for grabs, four of which would need to vote yes to get the bill across the finish line.

Only one undecided member attended Tuesday’s meeting.

Councilmember Michael Boylan (R-District 6) expressed quite a few concerns about the bill’s impact on freedom of speech, its similarity to state and federal hate crime laws and how it would be enforced at the local level.

RELATED: ‘Not in this city:’ Bipartisan group of Jacksonville leaders unveil new hate crime legislation

Bill sponsor Councilmember Jimmy Peluso (R-District 7) told Action News Jax addressing those kinds of concerns were exactly the point of the meeting.

“I have no problem having a ton of these conversations, getting people more comfortable with it and understanding why we have it,” said Peluso. “I mean people have died in this city because of awful actions that have occurred based on hate and if this bill can help mitigate that in any way, shape or form, it’s why I think that we need to take the time to do it.”

The bill is slated to be heard by the Planning Commission on Thursday.

RELATED: ‘I’m offended:’ Black Republican councilman announces opposition to Jacksonville hate crime bill

If it makes it through, the bill will come back to council for committee votes.

Peluso said he hopes to have more listening sessions like the one held on Wednesday before the final vote is taken.

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