Jacksonville chosen to host Trump's Republican National Convention acceptance speech

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee announced Thursday it has officially settled on Jacksonville, Florida, as the new location for its convention to nominate President Donald Trump for re-election.

"Not only does Florida hold a special place in President Trump’s heart as his home state, but it is crucial in the path to victory in 2020. We look forward to bringing this great celebration and economic boon to the Sunshine State in just a few short months," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.

The move comes after North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper and Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles, both Democrats, would not commit to hosting the convention in full as originally planned amid the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing measures still in place as the state takes a phased reopening approach.

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Trump railed against Cooper on Twitter earlier this month for "not allowing us to occupy the arena as originally anticipated and promised."

The Republican National Convention is scheduled for Aug. 24-27. Charlotte will still hold some of the business meetings, McDaniel said, but the committee chose Jacksonville to replace it for the "celebration."

Officials had said earlier this week that Jacksonville was a front-runner to host the convention after scrambling to replace Charlotte and touring several other cities. McDaniel said hotel room space was a concern for any city that was considered.

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Jacksonville rose to the top after the city's mayor, Republican Lenny Curry, lobbied publicly for the convention as Democratic mayors from other cities raised cost and public health concerns. Curry is the former chairman of the Florida Republican Party. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican ally of Trump, also pushed hard for the convention. Unlike some of the other states that were in the hunt, Florida is a swing state that could prove critical in the election.

"Florida is honored to host this special event where we will celebrate the re-nomination of President Donald J. Trump," DeSantis said in the RNC's statement. "Jacksonville is a great city that will showcase Florida’s energy, facilities, entrepreneurship and commitment to bring together the delegates of the Republican Party at a historic time in our nation’s history."

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During the pandemic, Jacksonville is under an emergency order that limits businesses in how they can operate. Venues such as auditoriums, as well as bars and pubs, must operate at 50% capacity or below.

Duval County, where Jacksonville is located, has reported more than 1,800 confirmed coronavirus cases and 57 deaths related to the virus. The number of reported cases in Florida is on a slight uptick as testing has increased.

Jacksonville NAACP Branch President Isaiah Rumlin warned ahead of the RNC's announcement that the convention coming to Jacksonville would discredit the progress Curry’s administration made through his decision to remove a Confederate statue from a city park this week.

“Trump doesn’t need to come to Jacksonville. We don’t need him here,” Rumlin said. “Although the statues are gone, that’s just symbolic. Racism is still going on.”

Democrats, whose convention is set for Aug. 17-20 in Milwaukee, are entertaining a "virtual" convention that would limit the number of people visiting the city.

Democratic National Committee spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa said the RNC's convention is being planned "for an audience of one: Donald Trump's ego."

"More than 113,000 Americans have died and millions have lost their jobs all because Donald Trump has been hiding in his bunker and leaving the American people to grapple with his ineptitude. Now, Trump and Republicans have decided to handle their convention planning the same way they've handled the entire coronavirus crisis: prioritize Trump's ego over Americans' health and safety. While Donald Trump refuses to listen to health experts because he only cares about himself, Democrats will follow science and prioritize the health and safety of the American people," Hinojosa said.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Jacksonville chosen by Republican National Convention for Trump speech