J.K. Rowling shuts down article calling Meghan Markle 'unsuitable' with 1 hashtag

If you've been anywhere the internet/television/radio today, or spoken to pretty much anyone at all, chances are you'll have caught the news about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's engagement.

SEE ALSO: Prince Harry's response when asked about fiancée Meghan Markle is as perfect as the ring

It's been pretty much everywhere, right?

Some people are excited, some people are indifferent — and a few people, like Melanie McDonagh writing for The Spectator, seemed less pleased.

At the time of writing that tweet has 145 retweets, and a whopping 1,600 comments.

Many replies followed a similar theme.

Then J.K. Rowling waded in. And rather than talking about other royals who have been divorced, she opted for a simple hashtag.

The Queen of Twitter has spoken.


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