J.K. Rowling Defends First-Time Author After A Guy Mansplains Her Book To Her

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Photo credit: Getty


We can only imagine the late-nights locked away in the study, endless cups of coffee, months of writer's block, re-writes, edits and tears a writer must endure to produce a literary masterpiece.

So, imagine the horror we felt today when we learned first-time author Laura Kalbag recently felt the need to apologise for having posted a picture to Twitter, sharing the happy news her book was finally available for pre-order.

Last week, Kalbag inoffensively tweeted: 'If you missed it: I've written a book! It's coming out very soon, sign up to get it first', along with a link to order a copy.

Sadly, Germany typographer Erik Spiekermann proceeded to mansplain (when a guy explains something to someone, typically a woman, in a manner patronising or condescending way even way he has little to no knowledge/experience of said topic) the fact that no, she didn't write a 'book', rather a 'text'.

'Actually, you wrote a text,' he tweeted, reports Glamour. 'It took a few other people & skills to make that into a book.'

Writer Leah Reich shared a screenshot of the exchange, including Spiekermann's now-deleted post.

Now, we all know that when Kalbag said she 'wrote' a book, she didn't exactly mean she printed, copy-edited, published and leather bound the book. She used the term 'writing a book', in the same way we'd say that Virginia Woolf wrote To The Lighthouse, or Jane Austen wrote Pride and Prejudice.

Spiekermann's remark was condescending, disrespectful and plain idiotic - a fact several of Kalbag's followers were keen to point out.

Sadly, amid the uproar regarding Spiekermann's comment, Kalbag felt the need to apologise for her original message and not using what Spierkmann deemed to be 'correct' language.

Fortunately, J.K.Rowling piped up to assure Kalbag that she deserves to be proud of writing a book. Because, you know, that's what she did.

Author Roxanne Gay also shared her support for the new writer.

In an interview with Teen Vogue, Kalbag revealed the entire Twitter exchange left her feel 'really embarrassed'.

'If I saw a similar tweet from a man to another woman, I would probably call it mansplaining,' she told the publication.

'As others have pointed out, he hasn't tweeted the same thing to a man who has written a book. I don't believe Erik chose to nitpick my language consciously because I am a woman, but sometimes our biases can reveal themselves in this way. I'm also aware that English is not his first language, so the tweet may not have come out exactly as he intended.

If I saw a similar tweet from a man to another woman, I would probably call it mansplaining

'All that said, what he called me out on wasn't factually correct. In English, we do say 'write a book.' But it still made me question myself. Especially given his standing in the design industry. I felt really embarrassed,' she added.

It didn't take long for Spiekermann to realise his major error in attempting to mansplain writing to a writer.

Well, Kalbag, we for one can't wait to read your book.

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