Ivanka Trump reveals struggles with postnatal depression

Ivanka Trump at the UN - AFP
Ivanka Trump at the UN - AFP

Ivanka Trump has revealed she suffered postnatal depression after the births of each of her three children.

Ms Trump, 35, and her husband Jared Kushner, who are both senior presidential advisers, have three children - Arabella, six, Joseph, three, and Theodore, one.

In an interview for The Dr. Oz Show she said: "With each of my three children I had some level of postpartum depression.

"It was a very challenging emotional time for me because I felt like I was not living up to my potential as a parent or as an entrepreneur and executive.

Ivanka Trump walks across the South Lawn of the White House with her children, Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore, and her husband - Credit: CNP
Ivanka Trump walks across the South Lawn of the White House with her children, Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore, and her husband Credit: CNP

"I had had such easy pregnancies that in some way, the juxtaposition hit me even harder."

When the show's host Dr Mehmet Oz asked why she had decided to talk about postnatal depression, Ms Trump said: "It's incredibly important. Look, I consider myself a very hard-charging person. I am ambitious. I'm passionate. I'm driven, but this is something that affects parents all over the country."

Ms Trump has been in New York this week conducting meetings with foreign officials on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Mrs Trump said the experience left her feeling inadequate as a parent and businesswoman - Credit: EPA
Mrs Trump said the experience left her feeling inadequate as a parent and businesswoman Credit: EPA

As an adviser to her father she has focused on a set of issues including family leave and workforce development.

She said her decisions "weigh much heavier" on her in the white house because they are "impacting people's lives."

"One thing that I continue to do is meditate. It's been enormously helpful to me," she said, adding that 15 or 20 minutes of meditation every morning "recharges" her.

She and her husband moved to Washington from New York and are unpaid White House employees.

While Ms Trump has supported paid family leave and women's rights critics have accused her of failing to influence her father's policies, particularly on healthcare and climate change, and remaining silent during controversies involving him.