Ivanka Baking To Win Over Neighbors

Protesters gathered outside the Deutsche Bank building to boos and hiss Ivanka Trump, who was attending a dinner along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel there.

President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump moved to Washington D.C. earlier this year after her father took office. The posh D.C. neighborhood she moved to, however, was not too happy with her presence.

Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner, who is a senior adviser to the president, seem to have found a way to their neighbor’s hearts – through their stomachs.

Read: First Daughter Ivanka Trump Bakes Purim Pastries With Children

The mother of three, who is also an assistant to President Trump, visited her neighbors with her children – Arabella, Joseph and Theodore – taking along some baked goods to woo the Kalorama neighborhood, a new report by Financial Times said.

You can read an except from the article below:

“How Ivanka has dealt with this local kerfuffle offers insight into her role in the Trump court. Part goodwill ambassador, part court consigliere, she has the most access to her father. In Kalorama, Ivanka employed her own brand of diplomacy. She knocked on each of her neighbors’ doors with stealth weapons in tow: her children and baked goods. The blatant PR offensive was highly effective. ‘Lovely, just lovely,’ says Rhona Friedman, a lawyer and neighbor who had been wary. ‘People who know her say the same thing: that she’s very gracious.’”

The statement from Friedman comes weeks after reports emerged that Ivanka Trump’s neighbors were not happy with the family moving into Kalorama as it disrupted their peaceful lives.

Neighbors claimed the Secret Service detail with the Kushners was a nuisance as the agents were “chatting loudly" outside the $5.5 million mansion and the family hadn’t picked up the trash schedule weeks after moving in.

Friedman had previously been reported telling Associated Press “No Parking” signs had started cropping up around the neighborhood but the last straw for her was a similar sign outside her own house.

“I started screaming,” she said at the time, adding that the parking spots were freed up only after she started emailing people about it.

“It has been a three-ring circus from the day that they've moved in,” another neighbor Marietta Robinson, who lives across the street, told AP. “They’ve completely ruined the neighborhood.”

After the reports emerged, Ivanka seems to have taken steps to remedy the situation using her baking skills. In March, the first daughter uploaded a picture on social media where she and her older kids Arabella, 5, and Joseph, 3, were seen making hamantaschen, a pastry commonly eaten during the Jewish holiday of Purim. The pastry is usually stuffed with sweet fillings made of poppy seeds, prune, or fruits.

Her youngest son, who turned one last month, was missing from the picture. The post was captioned, “After-school fun making hamentashen for Purim with Arabella and Joseph.”

Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism when she was 27 years old, before she married Kushner, who is the grandson of Holocaust survivors.

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