Istanbul 2020 bid slogan: 'Bridge Together'

Istanbul 2020 slogan 'Bridge Together' highlights bid for Olympics on 2 continents

ISTANBUL (AP) -- Istanbul has chosen "Bridge Together" as the slogan for its 2020 Olympic bid, highlighting the city's geographic location straddling Europe and Asia.

The motto was revealed Monday on the second day of the IOC evaluation commission's four-day assessment of Istanbul's bid. The slogan was inspired by Istanbul's Bosporus Bridge, which connects the city's European and Asian sides.

The bid committee has been touting Istanbul's ability to stage the games on two continents to set it apart from bidders Tokyo and Madrid. It is pitching Turkey's growing economy and promising modern venues.

Earlier, leading businessman Ali Koc assured the International Olympic Committee of the private sector's support for Istanbul's bid. In January, the Istanbul bid secured $20 million in sponsorship from seven leading companies.