Israel Shoots Down a Mystery Drone

Israel Shoots Down a Mystery Drone

Intrigue in the Middle East! Israeli officials are currently trying to figure out where a drone that flew into their airspace on Saturday morning came from. They shot it down just to be sure. 

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An unidentified drone aircraft flew into Israeli airspace on Saturday morning. Entering from the West, the drone flew over the Mediterranean Sea and the Gaza Strip before entering Israel. The Air Force had jets escort it for a few miles before they decided to down it before it could reach the West Bank. Now the question is where the drone came from.

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The obvious suspect is Iran. Multiple reports cite the fact that Hezbollah, an Iranian ally, have flown drones into Israeli air space a few times over the last few years. The two countries have been feuding recently. Israel wants Iran to stop enriching uranium, because they think Iran's working towards a nuclear bomb. Iran has shrugged off Israel's threats. 

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Tensions are already especially high between the two countries. Israel is already warning a response is possible. "We view this incident of attempting to enter Israeli airspace very severely and we will consider our response later," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in a statement.