Israel marks Independence Day with subdued celebration

STORY: :: Israel marks 76 years of independence with

muted celebrations as war rages in Gaza

:: This empty yellow chair serves as a

symbol of hope for the return of hostages

:: May 14, 2024

:: Isaac Herzog, Israeli president

"This year we're marking a different Independence Day. We are proud of our independence, and in the miracle that is the State of Israel. But our hearts are full of sorrow and pain”

:: Herzi Halevi, Israeli military chief

"Our answer to all our enemies this Independence Day is very clear: We will continue to live and prosper in the State of Israel which we have founded and built in 76 years, we will continue to prosper for many years to come."

As the country marks its 76th year, firework displays were canceled and the traditional torch-lighting ceremony at the Jerusalem national cemetery will be taped for TV audiences instead of livestreamed.