Ireland Baldwin Goes Nude In A NSFW Black-And-White Instagram Pic

Ireland Baldwin goes nude in latest Instagram pic.
Ireland Baldwin goes nude in latest Instagram pic.

Ireland Baldwin posted a racy nude pic to her Instagram, and this one is sure to upset her dad, Alec Baldwin. In the photo, Ireland was on her back with her arms above her head. Her face is barely visible, just her eyebrows and left eye. Her back is arched slightly, and she censored her assets with a simple “x” mark that she drew on the photo in black. The photo is black-and-white, and has an artistic quality to it that her dad may not appreciate like she does.

The photo credit was given to the Kandel Studio, which is owned by photographer Tyler Kandel. He’s known for his swimwear and black-and-white nude photos, and he also does video work, according to his website.

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