Iranian man sues over 2-year wait for citizenship interview

DENVER (AP) — An Iranian man living in Colorado has filed a federal lawsuit against U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other federal officials, claiming they are violating law for failing to conduct a citizenship interview.

The Denver Post reports Ali Nejatbaksh Azadani, who has been living in Aurora since 2011, has waited more than two years for a pre-naturalization interview, delaying his attempt to become a U.S. citizen.

The lawsuit filed Tuesday in Denver claims the legal deadline for such interviews are 180 days, and the delay violates the Administrative Procedures Act.

The lawsuit also names FBI Director Christopher Wray, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Lee Cissna.

Sessions' spokesman Devin O'Malley declined to comment on the lawsuit.


Information from: The Denver Post,