The New iPhone Is Coming in October

The New iPhone Is Coming in October

This isn't your typical tech blogger Mac rumor. The iPhone 5 is coming out in October, according to a report in a newspaper. The Wall Street Journal is reporting the iPhone 5 will be coming to Sprint in mid-October. This latest report is according to "people familiar with the matter," so reserve some judgement. It also doesn't rule out an earlier September release from another company. For now, all we know is that Sprint is getting the phone in October. That will be the absolute latest Apple fanboys will have to wait. The report does not say if another company will get the phone before then. September was the original rumored launch date for Apple's new device, but as All Things D reported at the beginning of August, the phone seems to moving to an October release. There have been plenty of rumors about the new iPhone, but none of them have been confirmed. The company did announce the release of a new mobile operating system set to debut in September, which was what caused the initial September iPhone speculation.