Iowa Poll: Many Iowans know little about Brenna Bird, state's Republican attorney general

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, right, is sworn in by Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Susan Christensen as her husband, Bob Bird, and their son look on during a ceremony at the Iowa State Capitol, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023.
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, right, is sworn in by Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Susan Christensen as her husband, Bob Bird, and their son look on during a ceremony at the Iowa State Capitol, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023.
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Three months into her term, a plurality of Iowans say they still don’t know enough about the state’s first Republican attorney general in a generation to judge the job Brenna Bird is doing, but of the remainder, more approve of her than disapprove.

A new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows that 36% of Iowans approve of Bird’s performance since she took office following her defeat of longtime incumbent Tom Miller in November, while 20% disapprove.

The remaining 44% say they don’t know enough to have an opinion either way.

The first polling since Bird’s election shows a strong partisan split, with 54% of Republicans and 20% of Democrats approving of her job performance, along with 33% of independents.

Those who disapprove include 43% of Democrats, along with 21% of independents and 7% of Republicans.

The poll of 805 Iowa adults was conducted March 5-8 by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

People to Watch: After ousting Tom Miller, Brenna Bird charts new direction as Iowa attorney general

The polling comes as Bird has taken aggressive steps to shake up personnel in the Attorney General’s Office and to square off against the federal government on issues ranging from environmental regulation to immigration.

Beyond abortion stance, respondents interviewed by Register know little about Brenna Bird

While the numbers are positive for Bird, who defeated Miller 51%-49% in November, they also show she remains a little-known figure to many Iowans, with far fewer reporting an opinion about her than for other Iowa politicians or institutions included in the Iowa Poll.

Even among poll respondents who knew enough about Bird to approve or disapprove of her job performance, question marks remained when they were later interviewed by Register reporters.

Of the half-dozen respondents the Register spoke to about their opinions on Bird, several said they knew little about her positions and actions. One, a Democrat who approved of Bird in the poll, told the Register he had not been aware she was a Republican.

Of those who reported knowing any details about Bird’s performance, the common thread was abortion, which Bird opposes.

Iowa Attorney General Elect Brenna Bird gives her victory speech during the Iowa GOP election night celebration, on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, at the Hilton hotel in Downtown Des Moines.
Iowa Attorney General Elect Brenna Bird gives her victory speech during the Iowa GOP election night celebration, on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, at the Hilton hotel in Downtown Des Moines.

Democrat Connie Richardson Smith, a 73-year-old poll respondent from Sioux City, said she believes decisions about abortion should remain between women and their doctors, and that she is concerned to see the new attorney general pushing for greater state restrictions.

“I’m very disappointed in Iowa,” said Smith, a semi-retired teacher. “I think we can do better as far as giving women rights, and this is just another way of suppressing women's voices.”

Nicholas Van Steenwyk, an Albia factory worker who describes himself as independent, said he approves of Bird because he believes abortion should be illegal in most cases not involving sexual abuse, incest or health complications.

“My big thing is, I’m adopted. I was kind of an unwanted child, and to be honest I’m happy to be alive,” said Van Steenwyk, 37. “When it comes to her views on abortion, I tend to agree with that.”

Brenna Bird finds her support among Republican base

The Iowa Poll shows support for Bird aligns with the traditional Republican coalition.

She has the approval of 40% of men, compared with 32% of women, and 40% of those without college degrees, compared with 29% of those who do.

Bird also enjoys 43% support among evangelical Christians and 41% among rural voters.

She also polls stronger in Iowa’s conservative 4th Congressional District, in the northwest corner of the state, where 51% say they approve of the job she is doing.

Among respondents who support legal abortion, Bird is above water by a margin of 31% approval to 27% disapproval.

Iowa’s litigator general takes on the Biden administration

Bird, the former Guthrie County attorney, ran for office promising the Biden administration to “see you in court.”

So far, she’s delivered.

Since January, Iowa under Bird has filed or joined at least nine multistate lawsuits against the federal government, seeking to block a range of policy moves widely opposed by conservatives.

Those include proposals to ban pistol braces, a device used in some mass shootings; forgive some student loan debts; “parole” some undocumented immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela; and oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Iowa Attorney General-elect Brenna Bird stands for a photo at the Guthrie County Courthouse, Monday, Nov. 28, 2022.
Iowa Attorney General-elect Brenna Bird stands for a photo at the Guthrie County Courthouse, Monday, Nov. 28, 2022.

Some of the issues are particularly salient for Iowa’s agriculture industry.

Bird has joined a lawsuit challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s “waters of the United States rule,” which she says would grant federal officials effective control over land-use decisions on nearly all Iowa farmland.

She has promised another lawsuit challenging the government’s decision not to allow until summer 2024 the year-round sale of the E15 ethanol-gasoline blend, usually banned during warm weather.

Nearly half of the news releases issued by her office since January have highlighted actions against the federal government.

Brenna Bird consistently champions conservative causes

Bird continues to make standing up to perceived federal overreach central to her pitch to Iowans.

At a breakfast meeting earlier in March hosted by the Westside Conservative Club in Urbandale, Bird spoke about the importance of having the state’s top lawyer “defending our rights and liberties in Washington.”

From USA Today: Iowa AG among GOP lawyers warning CVS, Walgreens against selling abortion pills by mail

“The law means something. The Constitution means something. It is the job of the attorney general to enforce our Constitution on the federal government,” she told attendees regarding the student loan forgiveness lawsuit. “They have to play by the rules, just like everybody else.”

Abortion has, indeed, been a major issue early in Bird’s tenure.

She stepped into at least one lawsuit not noted by her public relations team when she and other Republican attorneys general filed a brief in support of a Texas lawsuit seeking to revoke U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone.

FAQs: How is the Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll conducted? We answer your top questions.

Outside her federal litigation, Bird’s office has taken up an appeal, currently pending before the Iowa Supreme Court, to reinstate Iowa’s so-called “heartbeat law,” which would ban most abortions after about the sixth week of pregnancy.

She’s also announced plans to hire more prosecutors and, under a bill passed by the Legislature and awaiting Reynolds' signature, would be able to prosecute cases around the state without first receiving a request to do so from a county attorney, as well as gaining exclusive jurisdiction over election-related crimes.

Democrats argued the change will allow Bird to override the discretion of locally-elected county attorneys, but Bird’s office has said Iowa law already allows the attorney general to prosecute any offense in which the state has an interest.

This article has been updated to clarify how a pending government reform bill would affect the powers of the Attorney General's Office.

William Morris covers courts for the Des Moines Register. He can be contacted at, 715-573-8166 or on Twitter at @DMRMorris.

About the Iowa Poll

The Iowa Poll, conducted March 5-8, 2023, for The Des Moines Register and Mediacom by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, is based on telephone interviews with 805 Iowans ages 18 or older. Interviewers with Quantel Research contacted households with randomly selected landline and cell phone numbers supplied by Dynata. Interviews were administered in English. Responses were adjusted by age, sex and congressional district to reflect the general population based on recent American Community Survey estimates.

Questions based on the sample of 805 Iowa adults have a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. This means that if this survey were repeated using the same questions and the same methodology, 19 times out of 20, the findings would not vary from the true population value by more than plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. Results based on smaller samples of respondents — such as by gender or age — have a larger margin of error.

Republishing the copyright Iowa Poll without credit to The Des Moines Register and Mediacom is prohibited.

Iowa Poll methodology

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird unknown to many, Iowa Poll finds