The Iowa Caucus Is Littered with Twitter Cliches

For those of us who aren't in Iowa but follow the caucus circus on Twitter, journalists  reporting tweeting there have become painfully cliché. Slate's Dave Weigel has a list of six seven overused and unappreciated Twitter memes that journalists have unknowingly adopted while covering the extravaganza  Iowa Caucus. For the most part (hello from D.C.), following journalists is helpful and can give you the scoop of what's happening on the ground over in Iowa but that's getting harder to do, especially when you're sifting through a Twitter feed full of Weigel's clichés. Our favorite, and we know it often has no bearing on the GOP nomination, is the tweet-meme which Weigel dubs "Look at what I'm eating!"  ABC News Political Director, Amy Walter (above), is Weigel's example:

The tweet-conscious reporter, as he or she drives around Iowa, encounters fatty food that he/she can't easily find back in Washington or New York. This must be photographed and shared with the world. "Look!" says the food-pic-tweeter. "I have walked among the average voter. I have tasted his fare, and supped of his wisdom."

For Weigel's whole (and it's growing) list, head on over to Slate.