IOC president says he'd be happy if there was an Olympic bid from Quebec

QUEBEC CITY, Que. - The president of the International Olympic Committee says he'd be happy with a bid for a future Games from Quebec City.

But he says it's impossible to speak about it seriously until such a bid has been submitted.

Jacques Rogge made the remarks at the close of several days of IOC meetings in the city held in conjunction with a major sporting conference.

While Canadian Olympic officials had said the meetings weren't about lobbying for a future Games, they made no secret of the fact they hoped to show off the city as a possible destination.

During the meetings, the IOC signed a revenue sharing deal with the American Olympic committee which re-opens the possibility of an Olympic bid from the U.S. in the next few years.

And that's fuelled speculation that Canada's hopes for an Olympics in 2024 or later may be quashed.

But Canadian Olympic Committee president Marcel Aubut said the U.S. deal merely fuels the competitive fire between the two countries to put forward the best bid for an Olympics.

Rogge said the topic of a Quebec City bid didn't actually come up during the meetings.

But he said the meetings did show off the beauty of Quebec and the dynamism and competence of its sports leaders.