Invaders outnumber local residents in Vasylivka, Zaporizhzhia Oblast - Oblast Military Administration

Olha Hlushchenko - Monday, 23 May 2022, 03:32

The number of Russian invaders is growing in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, with more invaders than local residents in the town of Vasylivka.

Source: Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration on Telegram

Quote: "The enemy is regrouping to strengthen certain areas. However, the aggressors tried to improve the tactical position of their units. They have conducted operations near Komyshuvakha and Vasylivka."

Details: Four fires broke out in the Polohy and Vasylivka districts of the Oblast over the past 24 hours as a result of Russian artillery shelling.

The first fire occurred in Huliaipole: a garage with 4 cars and a hayloft caught fire, and the house was damaged by fire as well. Two more fires occurred on the premises of private households in Orikhiv: a farm building, a garage and an outbuilding caught fire. Rescuers from the State Emergency Service extinguished another fire in Vasylivka.

In addition, the gas pipeline in Vasylivka was depressurised due to Russian fire attacks. Rescuers blocked the gas pipeline at the gas distribution point.

The shelling damaged water supply networks in Orikhiv. However, specialists are already working to eliminate the city's water supply problem as soon as possible.

In the village of Novohorivka, Vasylivka district, residents are reporting an increase in the number of Russian soldiers. The aggressors have seized the school building and the community hall. A similar situation happened in the village of Inzhenerne, Polohy district.

Russians seized abandoned houses in Husarka village, carried out a patrol, and then looted the houses which they left.

The number of Russian soldiers already exceeds the number of local residents in Vasylivka. At the same time, the aggressors continue to rob civilians.

The Russians in Berdiansk are trying to appropriate local businesses and split them between themselves and their collaborators.

"Owners of cafes and restaurants, who had left the city and refused to cooperate with the enemy, were left without their property: the Russians decided to seize it for the benefit of the so-called ‘town administration.’ As a result, the establishments have been handed over to be managed by collaborators," the Oblast Military Administration reports.

Background: In the morning, in temporarily occupied Energodar, unidentified people blew up the doors of the entrance to the building where the so-called "head of administration" Andrii Shevchyk, one of the invaders' supporters, was staying.