How the Internet Reacted to Shaunae Miller's Gold Medal-Worthy Finish Line Dive

How the Internet Reacted to Shaunae Miller's Gold Medal-Worthy Finish Line Dive

It took less than 50 seconds for the Bahamas' Shaunae Miller to clinch the gold in Monday night's 400-meter dash at the Rio Olympic Games. And just a few seconds after that fans started riffing online on Miller's dramatic finish line dive.

They reacted with humor, surprise and amazement. In their posts, some poked fun at her successful last-second gambit and some poked fun at themselves.

And some did what the Internet let them do best: Remind everyone else how similar Miller's dive was to meme-worthy dives of yore.

(And at least one person made an Arthur joke.)

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While some social media users seemed irritated by Miller's final non-running move, others were clearly thrilled by the moment.

As one wrote, "what a freaking race!! Dive for the win!"