Internet funnyman Cian Twomey's SOS guide to relationship emergencies

Cian Twomey is a one-man double act. Describing himself as "the weird dude from Facebook", he is a social media star from Ireland who has been producing regular video sketches for his online following for several years, all based around a simple premise.

Twomey (pronounced 'to me', like one half of a Chuckle Brother's call and response) plays the straight man. He also plays the foil - a wacky character loosely based on a real life figure, be it his gran, his mum, or, latterly, his girlfriend Emily.

His quirky skits on the theme of modern relationships have earned over 5.5 million likes on Facebook and a number of view counts of over 30 million on his videos. More recently, he's been transposing his character comedy schtick from screen to page, in the form of a relationship guide with a typically potty-mouthed title, published this week. Twomey's tongue is lodged firmly in his cheek throughout much of the book, but he manages to smuggle some genuine advice in too.

I ended up getting carried away and writing the entire book on my phone

So where did this bearded comic and his imaginary girlfriend actually come from? Well, he rose to fame during a time when off the wall sketches were spreading like wildfire across the internet. Platforms like the micro-video sharing site Vine, which limited content to six seconds at a time, gave unknowns the chance to make a name for themselves if they could make enough people laugh.

It wasn't all sunshine and roses. The trend gave rise to controversial comedian Daniel O'Reilly, or Dapper Laughs, who had his own TV series pulled amid a row over its perceived misogyny. (You might remember that apologetic Newsnight interview in which he attempted to win back the public's love, in part by wearing a black turtle neck top.)

Other (less controversial) Brits such as Arron Crascall were in on the action too, taking the candid camera antics of TV shows like Trigger Happy TV and mashing them up with YouTube prankster culture from the States. Crascall's videos usually took place in a supermarket or other public place, and often involved crass invasions of strangers' personal space, but that was sort of the point. His willingness to trample on social mores won him scores of fans. He was rewarded with a series on BBC Three.

Thankfully, Twomey's work is less invasive. He draws on simple character comedy and his own fictional, scripted scenarios – making up funny situations his followers can relate to their own lives.

Twomey first real viral hit strayed from the template by involving his real girlfriend rather than the avatar of her he more typically rolls out (complete with wig and crudely applied lipstick.)  "I started recording Emily and making really cheesy, devastating puns while she was picking things up", Twomey explains. "It was my first legitimate viral video. My videos were getting 500 or 600 Facebook likes on average, then that video was on 20,000 likes within an hour. I did radio interviews, TV appearances. That was kind of the starting point."

Except it wasn't. Twomey had been honing his schtick for years prior to his first taste of viral success. "When I was in school I would sacrifice my dignity for a few laughs in the classroom", he confirms. "I was your stereotypical class clown, getting in trouble and not listening much, which I regret now. Then I started recording videos when I was 17."

In 2013, he began by posting videos on Facebook based on his original muse: his grandmother. "I started doing situations based on her real life, only I’d emphasize it and add a bit of humour and a strange Irish accent to it. Irish grandmothers in general tend to have a unique trait to them. So my Nan would be very open and opinionated - even brutally honest at times - and it could get her in trouble."

He built up a following of his family and friends, then their family and friends, then strangers. Prior to meeting his girlfriend Emily, he was letting the account drift, not communicating much with his 190,000 mostly Irish followers while he concentrated on going to college to study Film and TV production, working as a fill in DJ at a local radio station.

Cian Twomey - Credit: Bonnier Publishing
Nowadays Twomey's life revolves around a Facebook page Credit: Bonnier Publishing

It was only when he met Emily that she encouraged him to pick up the account again and start making videos about relationships. He published the supermarket puns video, and the hype really got going. "It was going up by around 50,000 or 60,000 followers a day for a couple of weeks which was a shock to the system. Everything was strange, but it was exciting", he recalls.

In the meantime he'd taken a job in a warehouse to fund trips to see Emily, but after only five months he was able to quit, placing all his eggs in the basket of an email that appeared in his inbox. "It was the person who is now my manager saying maybe we can work something out. I trusted him, so I quit."

Nowadays Twomey's life revolves around a Facebook page (and not merely in the way of most social media-addled Brits.) He sets a schedule and sticks to it, providing a consistent stream of videos to his loyal fans. He insists he doesn't think of himself as a proper comedian - "I just try my best to be funny" - but there's no doubt the book is an important step for him. How did he find making the transition to the written word?

"I started typing it on my computer and I wasn’t able because I was just getting easily distracted. Then I thought I'd just try and write a bit on my phone at nighttime when I’m on the couch or lying in bed. I ended up getting carried away and writing the entire book on my phone. I don’t know whether to be proud of it. It’s a new generation thing."

However the finished product came into being, it contains all the relationship advice he has to give. We asked Twomey for his advice on dealing with a number of relationship emergencies.

If your girlfriend's dad gives you a bone-crunching handshake

"When I met Emily’s father, I was given a serious pep talk. Everyone hyped it by saying, 'you need to prepare yourself now. He’s a bit, you know… sensitive.' You’ve just got to step it up and try and break his hand as well. Give eye contact and just don’t let go. The bigger the handshake, the more trust you’ll have in the future!"

If a first date is awkward, silent and downright rubbish

"Be brutally honest about it, like ‘listen, what’s going on? What’s wrong? What’s the problem?' If I feel like there’s a bit of tension in the room - even if I’m not involved - I have a natural instinct to do that. If there’s no chemistry, just enjoy desert and move on."

If you find your girlfriend's best friend attractive

"It's okay to appreciate that someone is good looking, but it’s a sensitive topic. It depends on how short of a fuse your partner has! In my case, Emily is pretty okay with it but I wouldn’t go out of my way to make a big deal out of it. It's about how you say it. If she asked me I’d say ‘yeah sure, I think she’s good looking’ but I wouldn't just walk up and say: ‘listen, your friend, oh wow, I thought you were nice but hey!' That will not go down well."

If you've got nothing to wear for a date

"Oh no! Preparation is key. When I had my first date with Emily, I had my socks ironed that morning. But if you have nothing to wear, contacting a friend for last minute loaning is a good route. Or Asos. Same day delivery, anyone?"

If you realise you're in love with your girlfriend

"Any girl would be waiting for the guy to be like ‘oh, listen, I love ya’. So if you feel certain about it, just go for it. What’s the worst that can happen? Other then being friend-zoned. Hmm."

If you want your partner to propose and they won't

"It’s unfair to pressure someone. If the other person isn’t ready then they're not ready. There’s a difference between not being ready and not wanting to marry someone. If you want to marry them but not yet, you’ve got to wait for the time. What’s the rush? If there’s enough trust then you can wait for the right time. It takes two to tango!"

If you've got nothing organised for your anniversary

"You can never go wrong with a bracelet. There’s nothing wrong with a Pandora charm because you can just add on some charms afterwards - it's an add on present! I brought Emily to Paris on impulse because there was a good deal so I thought why not choose a memory over an item, but that tends to be what me and Emily do. Personally, I aim for the travelling present."

Go F*ck Yourself, Cian by Cian Twomey, RRP £14.99, out 5th October, Blink Publishing