Good news: The raccoon that scaled a building was released back into the wild

Few things bring the internet together like lost animals. 

A raccoon captured all of our hearts on Tuesday when it started scaling a high rise office building in downtown Saint Paul, Minnesota. According to MPR News, the little guy got stranded on a building ledge on Monday, jumped to the roof of a two story office, and then started climbing up the walls of UBS tower. 

After a harrowing two days, the MPR raccoon was safely captured, fed, and released in the suburbs on Wednesday. 

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MPR News reporter Tim Nelson said the trash panda was likely on a mission to raid a pigeon's nest over the skyway when it got stranded, and that it's been at least two days since it's had food or water. 

The animal became an overnight star and soon had all of Twitter rooting for it. #mprraccoon is a trending hashtag in the United States. 

Just look at the little guy! 

Onlookers called Minnesota's state wildlife rehab center and St. Paul's animal control to beg them to help. According to the local fire department chief, it's probably too risky to send a human being out to save the raccoon, but a team set up live traps on the roof of the tower. 

At this point, the little guy just has to make it to the top to get to safety.

People inside the office building have been tweeting photos of the MPR raccoon as it rests during its journey.

While the internet collectively stressed about the safety of the trash panda as it struggles up the building.

Even James Gunn, who directed Guardians of the Galaxy and featured a snarky raccoon in the series, is invested in this urban climber's journey.

Animal control experts placed "aromatic food" out on the roof, hoping the raccoon will follow the smell and be safely trapped. "Not much else to do but wait and hope," Nelson tweeted. "Fire officials say they can't in good conscience risk a life."

According to Tim Nelson, who's been doing humanity a favor and live updating everyone on the raccoon, the little guy is chilling on a ledge on the 23rd floor. The UBS tower has 25 floors, so the raccoon is almost at the roof. 

You got this, MPR raccoon!

UPDATE: June 13, 2018, 4:25 p.m. AEST MPR racoon is still not on the ground, currently on the 17th floor. We'll keep you posted.

UPDATE: June 13, 2018, 5:42 p.m. AEST Guys, the MPR raccoon has successfully made it to the roof. He made it!

UPDATE: June 13, 2018, 8:47 a.m. PDT After making its way to the roof, the raccoon was successfully trapped, according to reporter Tad Vezner. The company plans to release the animal back into the wild "somewhere safe."

On Wednesday, Wildlife Management Services, a private company, removed the raccoon from the roof the easy way: a freight elevator. 

UPDATE: June 13, 2018, 11:47 a.m. PDT The raccoon is safe and has been released! 

You can finally stop obsessively checking the #MPRraccoon hashtag — the raccoon is finally free. 

Wildlife Management Services released the raccoon on private residential property in the suburbs of St. Paul, with the permission of the homeowner. 

She made it! Pack up, everyone, we can finally go home.

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