This Instagram Account Is Turning Anti-LGBTQ+ Republicans Into Drag Queens


Welcome to the stage, the RuPublicans!


Instagram (@rupublicans)

Republican politicians, lawmakers, and pundits have been tirelessly pushing anti-drag, anti-trans, and anti-gay bills across the United States. In what feels like the 2020s analog to the “satanic panic” sentiment of the 1980s, GOP figureheads are attempting to paint queer people and drag performers as real threats to children – without any real substance to their arguments.

The fight against these prominent conservative forces lives on with performances at major award shows, digital benefits held to raise money, in-person protests, as well as the Drag Defense Fund started by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and producers behind MTV’s RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Another form of protest has surfaced as the parody Instagram page @RuPublicans, which describes itself as “GOP glammed up.” Through the magic of artificial intelligence (AI), art can be created of Republican figureheads looking all done up in drag. And the result? Absolutely ru-larious.

Scroll through to see Republican politicians and pundits turned into drag queens – and make sure to follow @rupublicans on Instagram.

Rhonda Santy

Anita Filibust-Her McConnell

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Anita Filibust-Her McConnell #RuPublicans"

Mother Pence

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Mother Pence #VeepVixen #RuPublicans"

Cruzella Deville

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Cruzella Deville - Serving homophobic realness, she struts her stuff in fur coats lined with family values and defends every fetus and every gun, every day, heeeennnyyyy. #rupublicans #tedcruz"

Claretta Corrupta

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Please welcome to the stage, the Supreme Court’s Empress of Embarrassment, Claretta Corrupta. How can a government employee afford such lewks? Easy, bish is bankrolled by a billionaire! Finally, the high court is serving high fashion, henny. #rupublicans #clarencethomas"

Ms. GoldenGaetz Showers

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Ms. GoldenGaetz Showers - Sashaying her way purse-first onto military bases across America, she’s protecting army brats from fun and fabulous drag queen story hour. Never mind the guns at your school, hunty. #RuPublicans #mattgaetz"

Speaker Sparklebottom

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Speaker Sparklebottom - From the House of Trump, her 6 inch stilettos were handmade for stomping on LGBTQ+ rights. It may have taken 15 votes but she sits on the throne now, okurrr! #rupublicans #kevinmccarthy"

Lady Graham Cracke

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Lady Graham Cracker - Riding in on her high horse always asking for money, honey. She’s a powerful queen who loves to control the purse strings AND your lady parts. Don’t she look good in a gown though? #rupublicans #lindseygraham"

Miss Misinformation

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Miss Misinformation - Serving washed-up media mogul realness, Bombshell Bannon fires off conspiracy theories faster than Florida can criminalize where you poopoo kaka. Since Trump dropped her ass, she’s been roaming the streets of Washington looking for her next trick. DeSanty, text a gurl back! #rupublicans"

Rudy Garland

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Say hello to the GOP’s downfall darling, Rudy Garland, serving cuckoo couture. She used to run the Big Apple, but now she’s the juiciest peach on the streets, wandering the Upper East Side looking for her next gig (NOT the Four Seasons, honey). You thought the only thing she could leak was hair dye? Girl, watch her spill the tea! #rupublicans #rudygiuliani ——— Drag name courtesy of @narenhaz xoxo"

Miss Hawl-About-Me

RuPublicans on Instagram: "Miss Hawl-About-Me - So thirsty for attention she wears knee pads to suck up the spotlight. She loves to dish out thoughts and prayers as she snatches your rights away with a sequin glove! Tucking hilarious! #rupublicans #joshhawley"