INSANE Video Of Guy Fighting Off Great White Shark In Harbour

INSANE Video Of Guy Fighting Off Great White Shark In Harbour
INSANE Video Of Guy Fighting Off Great White Shark In Harbour

With more people going into the oceans due to the season, it’s easy to get sharks on the brain for summer. One guy in Australia had a little too close of an encounter with the largest carnivorous shark, the Great White.

Terry Tufferson uploaded a video on YouTube showing what he claims is an unlucky run-in with a large great white in Sydney Harbour. He claims to have filmed it with a GoPro.

The video shows him jumping in the water, kicking a little, then seeing a huge shark. He manages to sort of fend it off before hopping back up on the rocky coast.

Some commenters point out that the footage looks an awful lot like stock shark video footage. However, others are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Regardless of whether this was real, or the result of skilled editing, imagining yourself in that scenario is the stuff of JAWS-driven nightmares. Happy swimming.

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