Infographic: How Technology Is Muscling In On Our Sleep

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How did you sleep last night? Were you awakened by a text message? You’re not alone. Many of us are taking our gadgets into the bedroom, and it could be disrupting our sleep.

Not getting enough sleep is a public health epidemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We may not think that technology and gadgets hold sway over our dream time, but there’s evidence that it might. Studies have found that blue light often emitted from cell phones, some digital alarm clocks, and computers may disrupt circadian rhythms, leading to poorer sleep. Being woken up by a text can also throw our sleep patterns out of whack. Compromised sleep can lead to a number of health problems, including obesity and diabetes.

This infographic shows just how technology—from video games to television—is infiltrating our bedrooms and making it difficult to catch some z’s. So for the next lights out, make sure everything’s unplugged, including your cell phone. You probably won’t reget missing that text, but you will regret the extra hour of sleep it’ll cost you. 

Do you get enough sleep every night or are you sleep-deprived? Let us know in the comments.

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Jeannine Stein, a California native, wrote about health for the Los Angeles Times. In her pursuit of a healthy lifestyle she has taken countless fitness classes, hiked in Nepal, and has gotten in a boxing ring. Email Jeannine |