Indiana Democrats push for state gas tax pause amid high gas prices, experts weigh in

Not only are gas prices at historic levels, but in Indiana, so are gas taxes.

Reflecting cries heard 'round the country, Indiana Democrats — from the state party organization to the House Democratic Caucus — have called for Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb and the Republican-controlled General Assembly to temporarily pause the collection of state gas taxes, which this month amounts to 56 cents on the gallon, to give Hoosiers some relief at the pump.

State gas taxes are tied to both inflation and the retail price of gas, both of which are on upward trajectories amid recent global tensions and supply constraints.

By law, the General Assembly could only take action if the governor calls a special legislative session, on which Holcomb has made no decision.

Gas tax holidays are not necessarily a straightforward policy win, experts say, even as they present lawmakers with a very visible action they can show constituents. In times of economic stress, tax holidays have been proposed by both sides of the aisle in various states and at the federal level — including once in Indiana, two decades ago.

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"You have to make trade-offs in the policy world, there's just no way around it," said Denvil Duncan, an economist and associate professor at Indiana University.

Indiana's gas taxes and how they work

There are three kinds of gas taxes Hoosiers pay at the pump, which are included in the gas prices.

The gasoline license tax is what is likely most familiar, as state lawmakers in 2017 approved a 10-cent hike to raise an extra $1.2 billion a year to go toward road upkeep and construction across the state. That legislation allows for an annual increase of up to 1 cent per gallon based on rising inflation through July 2024. This tax is currently 32 cents a gallon and is expected to increase to 33 cents in July.

Another state tax is the gasoline use tax, a sales tax that changes monthly depending on the retail price of gasoline. The Indiana Department of Revenue calculates this tax by multiplying the statewide average retail price per gallon from the previous month by 7%. The gas sales tax for May landed at 24.1 cents per gallon, the highest rate ever and the second month in a row above 20 cents — a benchmark Indiana hasn't hit since 2014.

Both of these state taxes contribute to transportation infrastructure funding around the state and at the local level.

Finally, there is a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon, which has not changed since 1997, according to the Congressional Research Service. This tax contributes to the federal Highway Trust Fund, the source of most federal government spending for highways and mass transit.

That brings the grand gas tax total to 74.5 cents, the highest in Indiana history.

Can the state taxes be paused?

The last time Indiana approved a gas tax suspension was in 2000, when gas prices peaked at a ghastly $2 a gallon.

Then-Gov. Frank O'Bannon declared an energy emergency, allowing him to suspend the then-5% sales tax on gasoline.

Today, the state does not have the existing or projected energy shortfall that would trigger the governor's ability to invoke that power, Holcomb said in a written statement.

"The states that have suspended the gas tax thus far have done so through the legislature," he said.

On the last full day of this year's legislative session, as Indiana legislators were on their way to approving a $1.1 billion tax cut package, Democrats proposed a pause on the state gas taxes. The proposal would short the state about $300 million over a few months, but Democrats argued the state could fill that gap with the state's cash reserves surplus, which the party says is on track to surpass $6 billion by the end of the budget year.

"When we have this much money sitting in the bank, and it's not ours to begin with, we should give some back in times like these," Rep. Mitch Gore, D-Indianapolis, recently told IndyStar.

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The Democratic Party is also proposing a pause of the impending 1-cent increase in July.

The party proposes the General Assembly do this during the upcoming Technical Corrections Day on May 24, a day when legislators reconvene to make clerical corrections or address conflicts among bills discussed during the previous session.

Issuing new legislation isn't one of the purposes of the Corrections Day, according to Indiana law.

"It is our position that a change like that is not possible on the upcoming Technical Corrections Day," said Molly Fishell, Senate majority communications director.

Legally, the governor has to call a special session. Gore argues Corrections Day would be a convenient time for that special session, to prevent the need to convene a third time and save taxpayer dollars.

Though in a state legislature where work-arounds are commonplace — "dead" bills that get revived in the skeleton of other bills, for example — nothing is truly impossible, said Greg Schufeldt, associate professor of political science at the University of Indianapolis.

"Legislatures make choices," he said. "If they wanted to, they would be able to find a way to address this."

Should they be paused?

The first consideration is the actual savings consumers would experience. In this case, 56 cents is not necessarily 56 cents.

A Journal of Public Economics study of Indiana's 2000 gas tax holiday found that consumers only saw about 70% of that reduction pass through to their pocketbooks. This means that, theoretically, a 56-cent tax cut might only result in about a 40-cent overall cost cut at the pump.

That's because the market forces at play — strong demand and constrained supply — remain active in a market with a lot of competition. These imbalanced market forces would likely continue to push prices up.

While the price of gas went down 3% during the 2000 moratorium, it rose back up 4% afterward, according to the study.

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"It's a temporary reprieve, which is not nothing, but long-term is not a permanent fix," Shufeldt said.

Take an average tank size of about 15 gallons, saving 40 cents on the gallon. That saves $6 in one fill-up. If someone commutes a fair distance to work and fills up once a week, that's $24 a month. A dinner for two. Two to four hours of minimum-wage work.

"The implications of this vary across the income distribution quite a bit," Duncan said.

It also varies across the transportation distribution, providing a benefit solely to those who drive.

A consequence of tax holiday that delivers the same financial benefit across all income brackets is that the state is also assisting high-income individuals who may not need that relief as much as others, Duncan said. Then again, it's a quick and, administratively speaking, low-cost way to deliver this relief.

"As a policy maker, you're always toggling between those two ideas," he said.

Policymakers straddle that balance in both parties, particularly with regard to fuel tax holidays, which are broadly popular among the public, Shufeldt said. In Georgia and Maryland, it was Republican governors who approved tax suspensions in March.

"This is something so visible for people to see," he said. "Politicians have an interest in demonstrating the appearance of responsiveness. That is, I'm sure, in no small part some of this."

Short-term incentives tend to drive legislative behavior, Shufeldt said, more so than long-term discussions, such as whether Indiana should continue relying on declining fuel tax revenue for its severe transportation needs.

Gore said he believes the action worthwhile regardless of the amount saved.

"That's real money for most working families," he said. "It's not just a political stunt. It's designed to provide some much needed relief."

Contact IndyStar transportation reporter Kayla Dwyer at or follow her on Twitter @kayla_dwyer17.

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Gas prices: Amid high costs for fuel, should Indiana pause state tax?