Can you identify this Casasola photo?

This is Casasola image PH041-01-00106. If you can provide information or identify the person or persons published in this image, contact Claudia Rivers at 747-6725, or Susannah Holliday, 747-6839,
This is Casasola image PH041-01-00106. If you can provide information or identify the person or persons published in this image, contact Claudia Rivers at 747-6725, or Susannah Holliday, 747-6839,

Can you identify this Casasola photo?

The El Paso Times publishes a photograph from the Casasola Studio Collection at the University of Texas at El Paso Library on Sundays.

This is image PH041-01-00106. If you can provide information or identify the person or persons published in this image, contact Claudia Rivers at 747-6725, or Susannah Holliday, 747-6839,

See photos that have been identified, as well as more photos from the collection, online at​.

This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: Can you identify this Casasola photo?