Iconic North Little Rock works of art vandalized

NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Locals are confused and angry after staples to North Little Rock were vandalized. Though the works of art were destroyed, two women stepped up to the plate to fix what they could.

Amy Crawford said a work of art on a rock named “Balstovitch” has been turning heads since the late 1970s.

“It’s like a monument for North Little Rock,” Crawford said.

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“Balstovitch” quickly became something all in the Levy community know and love.

But the figure Crawford grew up around was vandalized last week.

“Driving past that every day and it being defaced was a really big deal,” Crawford said.

Not just the “Balstovitch” painting on the rock, but also ones at Four Quarter Bar and Spectators Grill and Pub.

When Ellen Strickland found out what happened, she grabbed her paintbrushes and wanted to help.

“I called my boss immediately and said, ‘Glenda I’ve got to fix this,’” Strickland said.

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The pair got to work Saturday morning, painting over the profanity and spray paint.

“You couldn’t see the lips or the nose at all, so we had to use pictures from before it got damaged to replicate what it looked like before,” Crawford said.

Spectators Bar and Grill owner Glenda Love said “Balstovitch” has always been a part of her life. Her business was once located by the rock, when she moved buildings she asked the artist to paint one on the side, and it has been there ever since.

“When she called and said, ‘We’re going to fix the “Balstovitch”’, it was emotional,” Love said. “It’s a very wonderful thing that they care that much, to come take care of it.”

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Crawford and Strickland said the area has been through a lot, still recovering from the Mar. 31 tornado.

After hearing the public outcry about the damage, Crawford said they hope “the community could at least start the process of healing from another hit.”

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