IAEA: Drone detonated at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that a drone detonated on its site on April 7, according to the IAEA.

A detonation is consistent with IAEA observations, the IAEA wrote in a post on X.

“I urge to refrain from actions that contradict the 5 IAEA principles and jeopardise nuclear safety,” Director General Rafael Grossi said in the IAEA post.

The post did not provide any details about who had launched the drone.

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear plant in Europe, has been under Russian occupation since March 2022.

Earlier in the week, the state nuclear energy agency Energoatom announced that the power plant was "on the verge of blackout" after a recent Russian attack.

On April 4, Energoatom noted that the plant is connected to Ukraine's energy system only by one power line, which was recently restored. This situation "threatens to cause an emergency," Energoatom said.

Read also: Occupied Ukrainian plant becomes epicenter of Russia’s nuclear blackmail

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