HUR has no problem with ‘Russian opposition’ forum in Lviv

Russian Opposition forum in Lviv
Russian Opposition forum in Lviv

Ukrainian Defense Intelligence (HUR) chief Kyrylo Budanov is broadly in favor of the forum held by Russian political opposition in Lviv on May 23, HUR said in a statement.

According to the message, the forum included representatives from political and military opponents of the current Russian regime, including members of volunteer units fighting within Ukraine’s Defense Forces.

"Chief of HUR Kyrylo Budanov supported the organization of such an event a way of resisting the Kremlin's dictatorship, which also contributes to Ukraine's victory over the aggressor state," the statement said.

HUR believes such events help weaken Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s rule and promote the consolidation of all forces aimed at overthrowing the dictatorship in Russia and achieving Kremlin’s defeat in the war against Ukraine.

Earlier on the same day, it was reported that the forum in Lviv saw participation from approximately 40 Russian opposition groups, as well as representatives from the Ukrainian parliament and the President's Office.

Read also: Russian opposition in exile leans towards supporting armed resistance against Putin

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