Hunter Moore's Gross New Site Will Be Slightly Less Gross than Advertised

Hunter Moore's Gross New Site Will Be Slightly Less Gross than Advertised

Don't worry, though. It's still going to be pretty gross. The last time we checked in with Hunter Moore's gross new website he was telling Betabeat's Jessica Roy the big new feature of his post-Is Anyone Up? comeback would be including the addresses of the people he posts nude pictures of. Moore is now walking back on that promise, now. He will only post the addresses of people he trolls personally. 

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Moore told Slate's Tracy Clark-Flory he was, "so fucking drunk" he doesn't remember doing the interview with Roy, and the bit about the adresses was, "kind of taken out of context." Someone (maybe a lawyer) probably told Moore posting people's addresses on the Internet is a recipe for a legal disaster, one that would likely bankrupt him, because now he says he's only going to post the adresses of his own enemies:

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For one, I never want anyone to be physically hurt or stalked by any of the stuff I do on my site. And the last thing I want is to have some poor girl’s address on the Internet when she’s showing me her tits and then a bunch of guys going to her house. So I wasn’t going to do it like that, and that’s how [the article] made it seem, that the submission field would let you submit the address of someone you didn’t like. People that I troll personally, I’m gonna be taking it one step further and making you look like even more of an idiot. It’s going to be me doing it and when people troll me I’m just going to do it 10 times harder. It’s only going to be for certain cases, not for everybody. I don’t want people to kill each other.


And, just to make sure you're not confusing his backing away from posting people's addresses as some sort of win for Moore's moral code, he immediately turned around and told Clark-Flory that he would probably get rich if someone from his site was stalked and killed. "I dunno, honestly, if someone fucking got killed over my site I’d make a shit ton of money, I’m not gonna lie," he said. And, for the record, Jessica Roy defended her reporting on Twitter

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Anyway, Moore has bigger online fish to fry now. Roy reports this evening that Anonymous is going after Moore, and have already posted his personal information online.