A hungry creature with three legs just broke into another Florida home, video shows

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Tripod, the three-legged bear who recently broke into a Central Florida home and scarfed down some White Claws, has made a new appearance

In the latest visit, the bear, affectionately known around the area for years as Tripod, hit up a home in Heathrow, about five miles northwest of Lake Mary where the Sept. 3 viral break-in occurred.

READ MORE: Bear attacks woman outside Florida home

The creature once again was caught on surveillance camera on the backyard patio on the afternoon of Sept. 13. The video, set to “Benny Hill” theme music, is posted to homeowner Bob Slade’s Facebook page and was sent to Fox 35 Orlando this week.

The clip starts with the limping bear sniffing around an outdoor bar, then eventually going around it to find the jackpot: the fridge. Tripod, which has two hind legs and one upper limb, stands up and opens the top freezer door with its snout, then looks around.

“Daggummit! Joe drank all the bear again!” Blade cheekily wrote in the text over screen, but it’s unclear if the animal imbibed anything as it appears to leave empty-handed.

READ MORE: Bear spotted at Disney World in Orlando

Underneath in the comments section, the homeowner explains that the unwanted guest gained entry by ripping a hole in his screen, but added that it was very “docile.”

If you see a bear in a public place, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission asks that you call its Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-3922.