Hundreds of pro-impeachment rallies held across the United States on eve of House votes

On the night before the House of Representatives votes on two articles of impeachment against President Trump, protesters gathered in cities across the United States to call on Congress to vote for his removal from office.

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An estimated 600 demonstrations were held on Tuesday, organized by the MoveOn and Indivisible groups. In New York City, protesters in Manhattan chanted "No one's above the law," while in Florida, demonstrators stood in front of a sign for Trump's Doral golf resort, holding up posters that spelled out "IMPEACH." "This is a really crucial moment for citizens to come out and engage," organizer Shannon Stagman of Empire State Indivisible told Reuters. "We think it's really important just to come out and say we recognize that crimes were committed here, that this president has abused power and we're not OK with letting that slide."

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Trump is facing one charge of abuse of power for asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, and a charge of obstruction of Congress. The House is expected to vote in favor of impeachment, with the trial then starting in the Republican-controlled Senate next month. For Trump to be removed from office, 67 of the 100 senators would need to convict him.

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