Huma Abedin Will Not Have Trouble Finding Her Next Job

A recent feature in People magazine with Anthony Weiner, his wife Huma Abedin, and their baby Jordan had a lot of people (including the New York Post) wondering if this meant that Weiner was spurring up public goodwill for a comeback. Now it turns out that the effort may not have been about Weiner at all...maybe this was about Huma Abedin, and her boss, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 

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According to a Daily News piece in which Ian Bishop and Kenneth Lovett cite unnamed sources close to Bill and Hillary Clinton, this was "a Clinton-crafted effort meant to help her get a job," given that Hillary plans to leave her current post as Secretary of State next year and Abedin is her deputy chief of staff. But the ties go deeper than that: Bill Clinton officiated at Abedin's wedding to Weiner, and Abedin and Hillary have been working together since 1996, when she was a White House intern for the then-First Lady. Via a Daily News source, “They treat her like a daughter. And when it comes to Hillary, there are people who are close to her — then there is Huma. She is in her own category.” Also: "Hillary loves, loves, loves Huma and would do anything for her."

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The People magazine piece, then, was about boosting Huma's exposure, not Weiner's, and finding her something to do next: "That job could range anywhere from a run for elected office, a top government appointment — or even a cushy slot at a private company."

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Of course, you'd think Hillary could just make a phone call or something. As for all that other "exposure" regarding Huma Abedin, aka, the claims that she's a "mole for the Muslim brotherhood" plotting to infiltrate the U.S. government, as Michele Bachmann and several other conservative congressmen alleged recently—that's had the effect of bringing to Abedin's support John Boehner, John McCain, and others. Which is arguably ultimately another sort of good, and bipartisan, press for Abedin (and bad press for Michele Bachmann), albeit a very different kind than an interview in People