How to Get that Promotion You Deserve


When you landed your dream job, you were incredibly psyched. But fast forward a couple of years later, you’re still stuck in the same position, with no promotion in sight. Fret not, here are some top tips on how to score your first promotion!

Find a mentor

Whether you’re just setting off on your career path or have been in the workforce for a while, mentorship can make a powerful difference. A good mentor who has been there and done that will be able to point you in the right direction towards success in your field. What’s more, surveys have found that no matter which side of the mentorship you are on, you’re more likely to get promoted compared to your colleagues who are neither mentors nor mentees. Some organisations enforce a mentorship programme, but even if there isn’t one within your company, there’s nothing stopping you from reaching out to successful figures in your field for some words of wisdom!

Create your own opportunities

Don’t wait for things to fall in your lap. Instead, promote yourself and make yourself heard by always asking for more responsibilities beyond your job description. By being willing to take on a bigger role within your team, you are showing that not only are you a hard worker, you are also more than willing to help your team and company to succeed, thus increasing your value as an employee within your company. These people are more often than not the first ones to get promoted when there are open positions waiting to be filled.

Always improve yourself

If you’ve got eyes on a promotion, it’s always a good bet to make sure you’re well-equipped to take on the new challenges and duties that come with a bigger role. In order to do that, you need to ensure that you are always improving, and one way to do that is by enrolling yourself in relevant courses to keep up with the rapidly changing industry. Swinburne University of University, for example, provides numerous short-term and long-term business courses to help you gain knowledge and hone your skills. As your skill-set increases over the years, the same goes for your value to your company and your marketability.

Be a team player

Employers have reflected that they would choose the team player for a waiting promotion over someone who’s individualistic, even if the latter produces good results in their work. Business is a team sport, and by being willing to put the company’s goals over your own, you are proving your commitment to your organisation. Avoiding company politics and helping other people find their way to success may prove to be key to carving out your own path to greatness.

Swinburne University of Technology offers degree programmes in Professional Accounting, Management, Marketing, and Business Administration that can prove invaluable to the growth of your career. The courses are designed to be flexible in order to fit into your busy working schedule, and can be completed within 12 months if certain requirements are met. To find out more about the programmes, head to

This story was produced in partnership with Kaplan.