How To Fold A Fitted Sheet. Yes. Really.

How To Fold A Fitted Sheet. Yes. Really.

The minute you move away from home, you’re faced with, arguably, the most perplexing conundrum you’ll encounter as an adult — how on earth do you fold a fitted sheet?! What magic did mom weave that got that elasticated mess so neatly tucked away in the linen cabinet?

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You’ll be very happy to know, you’re not the only bird that flew the nest facing this dilemma. A quick search on Twitter suggests that there are countless individuals out there whose linen closets are guaranteed to be a bit of a mess.


Believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, this seemingly impossible feat of organizational engineering is entirely possible with a few tips from household-tricks expert Erin Bried — We couldn’t believe it either!

Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1. Start by turning your fitted sheet inside out.

Step 2. Put one hand in each adjacent corner.

Step 3. Bring your hands together in a prayer position.

Step 4. Take your right hand and flip it over your left hand so the two corners are now joined together. Shake it out.

Step 5. Take your right hand and switch it out with your left.

Step 6. Take your left hand and slide it down the length of the sheet and into the corner. Place your hands in the prayer position again.

Step 7. Flip your right hand over your left as before, so that all the elastic is on one side of your fold.

Step 8. Lay the sheet down, fold it into thirds and then in half. Voila!

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