Hot Pulitzer Rumor: A Prize for The Huffington Post?

The Pulitzer prizes are supposed to be announced at 3 p.m. Monday, so this is prime time for rumors to start spilling out, and the hottest is that Huffington Post will pick up its first prize. 

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Both The New York Observer and Business Insider have reported from their own sources that the whisper among HuffPo staffers is David Wood, a former Time and Los Angeles Times reporter, would pick up a prize for his series on wounded veterans called Beyond the Battlefield. Business Insider was the first to the rumor, citing simply a "rumor going around the Huffington Post newsroom." The Observer's Kat Stoeffel reported that she'd independently heard the same thing. So we've got no problem believing that such a rumor is, indeed, circulating at The Huffington Post. What's a lot less clear is how legitimate it is. We'll know in less than three hours.