Hot, dry weather still stressing Nebraska crops

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Parts of southern Nebraska have received some much-needed rain, but northern and western parts of state remain hot and dry, which is putting stress on crops and pastures.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture says in Monday's weekly report that 62 percent of the corn is in good to excellent condition. That's below the average of 78 percent.

Sixty-one-percent of the soybean crop is rated good to excellent, also below the average of 78 percent.

South central, east central and southeast Nebraska got 1 to 3 inches of last week. Little or no rain was recorded elsewhere. The USDA says 63 percent of Nebraska's topsoil and 65 percent of the subsoil are dry.

The wheat harvest continues across southern Nebraska. Alfalfa and pastures are showing little growth in many areas.