Horsey McHorseface isn't just a joke name, it's a winning horse too

The legacy of Boaty McBoatface lives on. In the form of a winning racehorse.

The unforgettably named Horsey McHorseface had its maiden win in at a race in Cessnock, Australia, on Monday, proving that yes, even things named after a joke can actually win events.

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What's more, the race call on what some have dubbed "the people's horse," is rather enjoyable. Please listen:

And here's Horsey McHorseface wearing a hat, following its momentous win.

Horsey McHorseface, originally from New Zealand, is owned by Joe Rosetti and Bjorn Baker. They were inspired by the Boaty McBoatface naming flub which caught our attention back last year.

"We had a laugh about it in the office and thought, 'Hey, why not'," racing manager Jake Bruce told CNN at the time. "Joe's a good bloke and he's a good horse — we just thought it would be a good fit."

Turns out to be not just a good fit, but a winning fit at that.

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