Homophones, Love, and a Little Black Dress

We respect and value the social media editors who share the links that make our job easier. But sometimes, we have no idea what they are talking about. So after a long day spent staring at Twitter, we're sharing our favorites.

Do, don't, do not, doughnut bit.ly/xCbDeW

— The Guardian (@guardian) February 10, 2012

These damn homophones. Why must they be so tricky?  You never see a homonym tricking people up.

Black Hole in Milky Way Seen Snacking on Asteroids? ow.ly/8ZVjt

— National Geographic (@NatGeoChannel) February 10, 2012

Candy fun is fun, but let's be clear about one thing: Three Musketeers are terrible, and no self-respecting black hole would eat one.

Romney to business leaders: "I love you" wapo.st/y5HoZO

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) February 10, 2012

There's nothing better than seeing the phrase "I love you" out-of-context. That's not true, actually: being there when someone who is distracted and wants to get off the phone says it is better. Particularly in the workplace. 

Cabrera-Bello Shoots 63 in Dubai bit.ly/xSWX18

— NYTimes Sports (@nytimessports) February 10, 2012

We've been on Twitter for almost three years now, but we still get alarmed and -- if it's the end of the week -- confused when shoot is used as a verb. 

How to stay in shape without going outside this weekend — a challenge, but not that challenging, really: ow.ly/8ZQju

— Esquire Magazine (@Esquiremag) February 10, 2012

How did they know Twitter might be interested in health tips that involve not leaving the house? That's knowing your audience.

The tale of Arianna's favorite black dress huff.to/zN20ci

— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) February 10, 2012

Just in time for Valentine's Day: this!