Hollywood Dem Throws $32,400 per Couple Obama Fundraiser As Donors Complain They’re Being Cannibalized

Lord of the Flies: Hollywood Dem Throws $32,400 per Couple Obama Fundraiser As Donors Complain Theyre Being Cannibalized
Lord of the Flies: Hollywood Dem Throws $32,400 per Couple Obama Fundraiser As Donors Complain Theyre Being Cannibalized

Harvey Weinstein. Photo credit: AP

While it may seem odd that some Democratic donors think it is necessary to raise even more money for President Barack Obama, even though he just won his reelection bid, Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinsten and his wife are hosting a $32,400 per couple fundraising reception for the president on May 13, the NYPost reports.

The invitation promises that "a frank and intimate discussion with the president" will take place among donors and that afterward Obama will "say thank you to each guest and take a photo with them."

The invitation acknowledges the odd timing of a fundraiser following almost immediately on the heels of Obama's swearing in ceremony and explains that the funds will be used to push through the president's various agendas including gun control and immigration reform, as well as prevent Republicans from gaining "two years to catch up."

"You may be asking why [Obama] needs to hit the trail and start fund-raising so soon after his successful re-election, and the reason is twofold," the invitation states.

"The DNC is the only organization whose sole mission is to support the president and help him pass his agenda, whether that's gun control or immigration reform. The White House alone doesn't have the manpower or the resources to withstand the attacks and control the message."

But not all Democrats are pleased with the fundraiser, saying they would like to see a return on investment from previous dollars spent and feel they are being cannibalized like in "Lord of the Flies."

"We've got a mayoral race he'll be getting in the way of," said one donor to the Post. "We should be focusing on that and individual congressional candidates. It's like 'Lord of the Flies' . . . [Obama] is cannibalizing donors."

Another donor expressed shock over the newest pleas for money.

"It is stunning that [Obama] is back here fund-raising. We'd like to see some results for the money we've already given. And his impact on the traffic congestion in the city is the perfect example of why we need an infrastructure bill that he's never put any muscle behind."