Hodor door stoppers are surely the world's saddest homeware item


Warning: this post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 6 to date.

Too soon?

Game of Thrones fans may still be curled up on the floor after the show's latest episode saw the tragic end of everybody's favourite, Hodor. "Hold the door" will never sound the same again, but in this cynical world, there's alway money to be made.

SEE ALSO: 'Game of Thrones' has gone off the rails. I'd quit watching if I could

If you want a memento to remember the awful moment, you could consider buying or making the world's saddest homeware item: The Hodor door stopper. 

Pass the tissues.

While still just a concept item, this Hodor hold-door would have you sobbing softly for a year

IKEA in Australia are using "hold the door" to sell their own basic door stoppers


Image: ikea australia

If you're a bit short on cash, etch out your own

This Hodor door stopper will get you weeping again. You can buy it on Etsy


Image: etsy

For something a touch classier, there's a "Hold The Door" memorial door stop on Kickstarter

Or you could always improvise with existing Game of Thrones merchandise

Go on, get one. Hodor would want you to be happy.