This Hilton Head beach reopened today after months of closure. Take a look at what’s new

Tourists and locals alike can start enjoying Hilton Head’s Driessen Beach Park today for the first time in nearly four months.

Driessen Beach Park
Driessen Beach Park

The park, located mid-island, was closed while the town replaced nearly 1,100 feet of boardwalk for the first time since its construction. The town also painted the building and pavilion. The $300,000 project started Nov. 20 and is part of a larger capital improvement project looking to overhaul several public beaches.

Driessen Beach Park
Driessen Beach Park

Most recently, the town is set to construct a new 12-foot-wide pathway through the center of the Islanders Beach Park parking lot on the island’s north end. The town plans to demolish the old pathway and install new signs and crosswalk markings. It will also build a raised crosswalk on Folly Field Road.

Driessen Beach Park
Driessen Beach Park