'Hillbilly Elegy' author J.D. Vance announces Senate bid, joins crowded GOP primary in Ohio

Author and venture capitalist J.D. Vance kicked off his bid for U.S. Senate Thursday, joining a crowded GOP field after months of hinting at a run for office.

Vance made the long-awaited announcement at Middletown Tube Works in his hometown north of Cincinnati, using the setting to talk about his connections to the area and how it shaped him. He said people who don't believe the country works for them are too often put down and pledged to bring a new kind of politics to the Senate.

"You have leaders of this country, in government and in business, who don’t think they owe anything to the country that made them who they are," he said.

Vance joins a slew of other Republicans clamoring for the chance to replace retiring Sen. Rob Portman, including former Ohio Republican Party chair Jane Timken, former state treasurer Josh Mandel, car dealer Bernie Moreno and investment banker Mike Gibbons. Running so far on the Democratic side is U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan.

Vance, 36, of East Walnut Hills, is a difficult candidate to pin down. He can often be seen on Fox News or voicing conservative talking points on Twitter, including a recent tweet about "wokeness" impacting popular culture — namely, the television show "Gossip Girl."

The Middletown High School graduate is best known for his memoir depicting his family's struggles in Appalachian Kentucky and his mother's addiction during his childhood in Middletown. "Hillbilly Elegy" was pitched as an insightful look into why former President Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

But in the years since, which have included a feature-length movie based on Vance's book, natives of Appalachia have criticized Vance's take as inaccurate and exploitative. Vance's "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" credo was overly simplistic, they argued. Practically speaking, Middletown isn't located in Appalachia.

Supporters who gathered Thursday to cheer on Vance's announcement said they appreciated his perspective on economic issues and wanted to support a candidate with local ties.

"I just like the way he handles himself," said Bob McConnell, a Middletown resident who said he knows Vance's family well.

The Trump question

Vance has a complicated history with Trump, which could prove challenging as he seeks to woo Republican voters in a state the former president won in 2020.

He was publicly critical of Trump during the 2016 election cycle — calling him "noxious" in an interview with NPR — and ultimately voted for independent Evan McMullin that year. He cast Trump supporters as unmarried, uneducated and less likely to attend church.

"Trump makes people I care about afraid," Vance said in October 2016. "Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible."

This year, by contrast, Vance courted Trump at Mar-a-Lago and attended his rally in Lorain County in the hope of securing his support. Trump's endorsement is seen as a key get in the Senate race, although observers say it's not yet clear whether he'll back someone in a contest that's not personally significant to him.

Vance isn't registered as a Republican in Ohio because he didn't vote in the 2018 or 2020 primaries.

He also frequently blasts the relationship between establishment Republicans and "Big Tech" but has ties to a key player in the industry. His Senate bid got a $10 million boost from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, an early Facebook investor, and Vance previously worked for Thiel's Mithril Capital.

On top of that, Thiel invested in Vance's Ohio-based venture capital firm, Narya.

Haley BeMiller and Jessie Balmert are reporters for the USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau, which serves the Columbus Dispatch, Cincinnati Enquirer, Akron Beacon Journal and 18 other affiliated news organizations across Ohio.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: 'Hillbilly Elegy' author J.D. Vance announces U.S. Senate bid in Ohio