Hillary Clinton Has Left the Hospital

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has left the hospital after being successfully treated for a blood clot, ABC News and NBC News are reporting. Not that she let it stop her from doing her day job anyway — State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters at a briefing Wednesday that she had been up and taking emails and phone calls and day-to-day office work from bed. She spoke with U.N. enjoy to the (increasingly grim) situation in Syria, as well as the prime minister of Qatar, from her bed at New York Presbyterian hospital on Saturday.

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One moment we thought Hillary's health woes were behind her and she was going to return to work this week. But things took a turn for the worse and Hillary was readmitted to the hospital to treat a blod clot between her brain and her ear. Thankfully, we know she is going to be okay: Doctors expect a full recovery once she responds to normal treatment. Whether anyone will stop asking her to testify on the Benghazi attacks, well, doctors couldn't tell you the answer to that one.