Heroic Scottish man crawls headfirst down muddy pipe to rescue lost dog


LONDON — If you don't like the thought of small, cramped spaces, you might want to turn away now.

On Wednesday, during a grouse shoot at Invermark Estate in Angus, Scotland, a cocker spaniel named Jazz disappeared.

SEE ALSO: Lost dog swims 6 miles, returns home thanks to Facebook

The story of how Jazz was found and eventually rescued by gamekeepers was shared on the Angus Glens Moorland Facebook group, where it quickly racked up more than 400 shares and 2.5K reactions.

Here's the story in full.

Image: facebook/angus glens moorland group

The group also shared photos of the heroic rescue operation.

The pipe in which Jazz was found.
The pipe in which Jazz was found.

Image: facebook/angus glens moorland group

Jonny Stevenson crawls head-first down the pipe to retrieve Jazz.
Jonny Stevenson crawls head-first down the pipe to retrieve Jazz.

Image: facebook/angus glens moorland group

"Our head keeper stopped the shoot to look for her and managed to located her down a pipe hole, which is an underground peat chamber that lets the water run, by listening for her breathing," gamekeeper Jonny Stevenson, the man who crawled down the hole, told STV

"After digging about 6 ft of wet peat, we broke through and pulled the dog out. 

"It was very happy to see us."

Gamekeepers dig into the peat around the pipe.
Gamekeepers dig into the peat around the pipe.

Image: facebook/angus glens moorland group

After clearing a space, they reach in for Jazz.
After clearing a space, they reach in for Jazz.

Image: facebook/angus glens moorland group

Jazz is pulled from the pipe by the two gamekeepers.
Jazz is pulled from the pipe by the two gamekeepers.

Image: facebook/angus glens moorland group

Muddy, but safe.
Muddy, but safe.

Image: facebook/angus glens moorland group

Jazz has now been safely reunited with her owner, Karen da Rosa.

"She actually came out toasty warm and happy as punch," she told STV.

"I thought she'd be freezing and in shock, but I think the mud kept her warm.

"One lucky little dog and owner."