Heroic 10-year-old saves drowning dog

May 17—A 10-year-old is being hailed a hero after saving a dog from drowning in Madison county.

Bentley Meadows had been playing his Xbox, while Bam the Goldendoodle was playing out in the backyard where the pool had just opened up for the summer.

Brantley told Laura Lucas, who sent this story in, that he had the feeling that he should go outside.

"He walked out and saw Bam floating in the pool. He ran over, grabbed the rake, and pulled him to the side," Lucas said. "Bentley dragged him out of the pool, and started CPR on him."

According to Lucas, once Bam was breathing on his own, he grabbed towels and alerted his older sisters to tell them what happened. The group of youth saw Bam shaking and barely breathing.

They immediately loaded them into the car and drove to the vet's office which quickly was able to stabilize Bam, who was experiencing hypothermia upon arrival. The vet sent Bam to the ER vet.

"Miraculously, a couple of hours later Bam walked in the door and sat on the couch with Bentley. It was seriously nothing short of a miracle," Lucas said. "We're still in complete shock that Bentley automatically knew to breathe for him, and he had the strength to pull him from the pool. Bam is as big as Bentley!"

Lucas said that the 10-year-old held Bam and cried after Bam got home, calling it "the sweetest thing."