Here's How People All Over the Country Are Protesting Trump's Election

From Esquire

Late Tuesday night, at least half of the country was shocked into stunned silence when Donald Trump won the 2016 election. But by Wednesday night, thousands were spurred into action. Protests and vigils have flared up from New York to California, with fearful and angry citizens spilling into the streets.

Trump's hotels, buildings, and casinos were flooded with Americans donning signs, some openly weeping as they chanted. A wall of protesters blocked the Chicago and New York Trump Towers, shouting "Not my president" and "Donald Trump, go away! Sexist, racist, anti-gay!" Meanwhile, CNN reports that in front of the White House, a candlelight vigil was held for Clinton supporters, who called out "You are not alone."

LGBTQ rainbow flags were waved in the streets, while several American flags were burned or held upside down. Highways were blocked with oceans of protesters, but many drivers didn't even seem bothered-rather, they rolled down their windows and added their voices to the chanting.

Here's what the streets of cities all over the country looked like Wednesday night.

New York City, NY

Oakland, CA

Washington, D.C.

Philadelphia, PA

Chicago, IL

Boston, MA

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