Here's Hillary Clinton Back in the Office

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton returned to work Monday, one month after falling ill with a stomach virus — which led to a fall, which led to a concussion, which led to a blood clot, which led to a hospital stay, all of which got a lot of people very confused about when she would testify on Benghazi. That's her in the fuchsia jacket this morning, conducting a meeting with assistant secretaries, according to a State Department spokesperson.

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Sen. John Kerry is expected to be confirmed as Clinton's successor in the coming weeks, but now that Clinton has resumed her duties, many expect her to deliver that long-anticipated testimony about the September attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Already conspiracy theories alleging that Clinton faked her concussion in an attempt to avoid the testimony altogether seem to have begun to fade, going the way of that rumor that Clinton was injured and/or died during a secret plane crash in Iran. (We will miss Clinton spokesman Phillipe Reines's antics over email, however.) In any case, Clinton will only be back for a bit: Kerry's confirmation hearings are "expected within two weeks," reports The Washington Post. Clinton, of course, could still testify after she leaves office.