Her child used transgender name, pronouns at school. Mom blasts Dover for not telling her

The mother of a Dover Area Middle School student complained to the school board Tuesday evening that school staff addressed her child with a male name and pronouns for a year without notifying her.

The mother gave a three-minute presentation, speaking about her 13-year-old's treatment at the middle school during 7th and 8th grade.

The York Daily Record is not identifying the mother to protect the identity of the child.

The mother said the school faculty began calling her then-12-year-old child by a male name and never informed her or the father.

"They took our parental right to know about an important piece of our daughter's life that we should have been made aware of," the mother said during the meeting. "As a mother, it hindered my ability to seek the emotional support and delayed me from getting the appropriate treatment that would have allowed my daughter to deal with the emotional struggles she was facing regarding this matter."

The mother said the district negatively impacted her child's emotional and mental state by not including her on what was happening. She said this culminated with the school sending the child to the hospital for an evaluation with inpatient therapy. The school still did not inform the mother of the child's gender identity in class.

She concluded by stating parents have the right to know about gender issues at school.

The student told YDR she was new to the school district after coming out of cyber school and had asked a friend to use a male name and pronouns. A school administrator overheard the conversation and said the school could use the student's preferred pronouns. The student assumed parents would be informed of that by school administrators.

The mother said when she asked the school principal why she was not informed of the change, she was told there was a law against it.

That's when the mother got attorney George Margetas involved.

"It's keeping the parents in the dark and the school insisting that they don't have to tell the parents, and it's some kind of discrimination," Margetas said. "Would we send our kids on a field trip without asking the parents? I mean, the answer I keep getting is that they have a policy on all this stuff. It seems to always be, 'Let's make sure that we keep the parents in the loop.' So why aren't we doing that here?"

According to the mother, the student was confused about gender identity and faced a series of struggles, including PTSD. The student now uses female pronouns and name.

Brad Perkins, Dover's director of public safety, public relations and child accounting, said before the meeting the school would not comment on the issue and to relay questions to the district's solicitor.

Dover Area School District Solicitor Benjamin Pratt did not respond to several requests for comment. When approached at the board meeting, Pratt said he does not return calls when it comes to student issues and will not be commenting on the situation.

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The legal issue

According to the The Pennsylvania State Department of Education, there is no state or federal law regarding name and pronoun use in public schools, and the policy decisions have been left to the individual school districts.

The PDE has provided equity, inclusion and belonging guides, with information to help schools set policies on LGBTQ student issues and addressing disabilities. The guides have not been updated since 2016, but Communications Director Casey Smith said they will be revamped soon.

"The children who attend our schools represent the diverse backgrounds and cultures of our commonwealth, and that includes Pennsylvanians with various gender identities and expression," Smith wrote in an email. "It is incumbent upon us to support ALL learners, and make them ALL feel welcome in their schools and communities."

Recently, a district in Bucks County faced a similar case and ruled in favor of parents having the final decision on whether a school would address students by their preferred name and pronouns. The school called it a "Gender Identification Procedure," which defers to the student's information on a school's database.

The school board meeting coincided with the introduction of House Bill 2813, a GOP-led piece of legislation that would restrict teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity between kindergarten and 5th grade. It would mandate schools report to parents with updates about the mental and physical condition of students, including updating if they come out as gay or transgender to a school staffer.

The bill would also prohibit the use of materials with "pornographic images and content" and seeks to ensure instruction is age appropriate, likely alluding to the series of book bans that took place during the last school year.

The legislators introducing the bill, including Pennsylvania senator and gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, have called the legislation a "Parental Bill of Rights."

Mackenzie Arcuri of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association said that when considering policies on student gender identity, school districts need to consider the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, which protects against discrimination, and the federal Title IX, which protects students from sexual discrimination.

"The use of pronouns in schools is an evolving issue, and PSBA recommends that school districts work with their local solicitor in addressing policy needs and practices based on their school community," Arcuri wrote in a statement.

The problem facing Dover

Margetas and the mother have both said they are not looking to take legal action yet but wanted to bring the mother's concerns to light and see how the school addresses it publicly first.

The mother and child claim they have both faced what they believe is retaliation from the school over the issue, with the student not receiving the accommodations she needs for a disability since the mother has brought a lawyer into the picture.

The school has offered no comment on the allegations.

During the final public comment during the meeting, longtime Dover resident Craig Kindig came to the podium to express his disappointment in the board for not addressing the issue the mother raised.

"I think the public taxpayers need to know what your position is," Kindig said. "I'm frustrated when I come to these public meetings and everybody sits there and they're just quiet. There's not a word said about it. So I'd like you to tell us when we're going to find out what the position is of Dover school district on this subject that she raised."

Jack Panyard is a reporter at the York Daily Record, part of the USA TODAY Network. Contact him at jpanyard@ydr.com, 717-850-5935 or on Twitter @JackPanyard.

This article originally appeared on York Daily Record: Mom not informed by Dover Area schools her child used transgender name