A Heartbreaking Look Inside the World of India's Gang Rape Victim

A Heartbreaking Look Inside the World of India's Gang Rape Victim

As India drags its feet to prosecute the six men whose gang rape of a young woman on a New Delhi bus led to her death and continuing protests across the country, we're finding out more about the victim even though she remains unnamed — that she fought her attackers to the very end, and that she was a bride-to-be. "She was very strong. She always said one should never bear atrocities but fight against it," her brother tells the India Times. "While she was admitted in hospital, she told me that she fought back as hard as she could. She was defending herself by beating and biting them."

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Lallji Singh, a man who is reportedly the victim's uncle told The Hindu newspaper that "she had made up her mind very early that she wanted to become a doctor." And as the AFP reports, the woman was reportedly in the midst of planning her wedding: "They had made all the wedding preparations and had planned a wedding party in Delhi" for February, said Meena Rai, a close friend and neighbor. 

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The woman died on Friday — after three abdominal surgeries, she took a turn for the worse and her organs began failing. As for her attackers, they're facing murder charges and the death penalty if convicted. "The fight has just begun. We want all the accused hanged, and we will fight for that, till the end," her brother was quoted as saying in the Indian Express.