This Healthy Pad Thai Has Half the Calories of the Classic

What better way to slurp down the end of summer than with a saucy bowl of sweet and salty noodles? Thanks to the nifty spiralizer, raw vegetable "oodles" can be cranked out in a jiff. (Don't worry if you don't own one; our recipes provides an alternate preparation method.)

But what's pad Thai without actual noodles? We were thrilled to discover that ultrathin brown rice noodles don't require any cooking: They're perfectly al dente after a soak in warm water. Traditional versions get stir-fried in lots of oil, coating the noodles in fat to make them silky. We skip the fat and oil and instead create a creamy, savory-sweet cashew sauce to give our noodles and zoodles an equally luscious coating. Packed with plant-based ribbons, whole grains, cabbage, peas, nuts, and herbs, our version is satisfying and refreshingly raw, saving 400 calories over the classic.

View Recipe: Cashew Cream Pad Thai

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Find Your Spiralizer Style


These portable versions (think pencil sharpener) are easy to clean and lightweight, but the size and shape of the fruits and veggies they can handle is limited. Most handheld spiralizers have only two ribbon size options.


The hand crank takes up more space, but this kind accommodates a variety of produce sizes, shapes, and densities. Versions form OXO and Paderno churn out consistent noodles and have multiple blades for various ribbon sizes.